So this is where it all begins. After months of being inspired by others' blogs, I am officially starting my own blog. I would first like to thank my 13 year old son, Caleb, for his assistance and direction in getting my blog set up. But I also need to thank him and his older brother, Jacob, for inspiring me to learn new things. Both of my children are immersed in the world of technology. One being a sophomore in an IT program at Georgia Southern University and the other a consummate user of technology. Much of what I have learned about current technology I learned from them at the dinner table. These two keep my husband and I on our toes!
I am currently teaching 8th grade Mathematics in a rural, low SES school district in Eastern Georgia. Although I now feel that the classroom is exactly where I was meant to be, I did not start my mathematics career with teaching in mind. I have a BS in Theoretical Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science. After being a stay at home wife and mother for more than 12 years, I went to graduate school and earned a M.Ed. in Secondary Education along with my initial teaching certification.
Now in my 6th year of teaching, I am very interested in honing my teaching skills, defining my style, and improving my effectiveness in the classroom. I feel that one way to acheive these things is to reflect on the happenings and issues in my classroom and school. So please bare with me as I begin my journey into blogging. My hope is that with time my blogs will be as inspiring and thought provoking as some of the incredible posts that I have read from other bloggers.